Meat and Potatoes

I’ve always been a meat and potatoes type of gal. Never wanted to branch out too far food wise. Today I took Alexis to her favorite place to eat Thai D. As I sat down and stared at my plate of noodles and chicken (only things I recognized) I realized I wasn’t dreading trying something new for once. I took my first bite & wasn’t sure what to make of all the flavors. As I started eating more I realized I didn’t hate it at all but in fact LOVED it. Then a thought popped into my head. Trying new food for me is a lot like trying new places/areas in ministry for people. Most of the time people will never branch out of their comforts zones, and end up missing out on so many wonderful experiences. I would’ve lived a great life with or without Thai D, but I would’ve missed out on new tasty food. What some do is they immediately think they’ll dislike, or be bad at certain areas in ministry so they never give it a fair shot. Missing out on moving in new ways with God, and growing. If I had stopped at the first taste of my noodle concoction. I would’ve left disappointed, and wouldn’t go back again. The difference is I came with an open mind, and ended up loving it. So that new area in ministry that you’ve been timid about trying…That calling you’re just not sure about… Give it a shot. Branch out.. Go with an open mind (in my case open taste buds) and see what all the fuss is about ♥

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